Sunday, October 30, 2011

dead ends

Time to clear out a few things...

Harmonia - Musik von Harmonia, Tracks & Traces

These two albums chronologically sandwich my favorite Harmonia album, Deluxe. Deluxe is upbeat, melodic, elegant, and interesting. I expected something vaguely similar from Harmonia's other two albums but even after revisiting them multiple times I never form a better impression of them.

Dollar - The Dollar Album

I'll be talking more about the source for this one later but basically I've been looking for some more synth-pop and wow, this one is too much. If you were looking for a soundtrack to parody the '80s, this is a good choice.

Teardrop Explodes - Kilimanjaro

After reading a good bit of Julian Cope's music reviews, I wanted to check out some of the music he made. During the first few listens, I thought this sounds too much like U2; once I made that connection I couldn't get past it.

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